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The Earful Tower: Paris

The Earful Tower: Figuring out France with guests who know best. 

Jun 26, 2023

A is for Arago, the name of the scientist who helped map out the Paris meridian line (François Arago (1786-1853)). 

In this episode, I explore the "Rose Line" (as it was called in the Da Vinci Code), seeking out the bronze medallions along the streets of Paris, through the Louvre, and into the...

Jun 19, 2023

Welcome to the ABCeason... or the AB Season... or the ABC-son. Haven't quite figured the spelling yet, but you get the idea, I hope. 

Now you know what the next 26 episodes will hold.

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Jun 12, 2023

It's our series finale on the French Riviera. This time, we're looking at art, especially through the lens of cinema (and the Cannes Film Festival) - and via the paintbrush of the impressionists. 

This episode features author Edward Chisholm (Instagram here) and artist Johan Patricny (Instagram here). Cohosted by Lina...

Jun 5, 2023

After month in the French Riviera, here is the Earful Tower's tips for places we recommend in the area, from big famous towns to tiny and lovely villages. 

Mentioned in this episode:

Antibes, Juan-Les-Pins, Nice, La Turbie, Monaco, Biot, Cannes, Villa Kerylos, Villefranche-sur-Mer, and Eze. 

Music by Pres...